
Are there events on Jersey specifically for entrepreneurs?

Curious Entrepreneur

Curious Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurs Jersey
17 Oct 2021

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A: SenseCheck

  • 1 Yes
  • 3 No
  • 0 Other


  • 11 Jul 2024
  • No


    No and it can be tough and at times lonely.

    The best advice I can give is to join both IoD and Chamber and to build your own network.
    Also worth keeping in with specific sector groups, which in my case includes the Chartered Institute of Public Relations.

    I also recommend targeting individuals who you think can help you and give sage advice. - Jersey does have people who are willing to help if you ask and include myself in that - william@churchconsulting.co.uk 

    I promote collaboration and sharing ideas and energy.

    William Church

    William Church
    William Church Consulting

  • 21 Oct 2021
  • Yes


    This has been a discussion for the entire 12 years I've been in Jersey.

    There are things happening but as is the Jersey way, they're secret!

    Ed Daubeney's envestors dinners are one forum where half a dozen start-ups get to pitch to an audience of investors, and I think some of the accounting firms such as Smith & Williamson may run similar events. Ed Prow's TekEx is another attempt to showcase local startups. 

    In London events like Don't Pitch Me Bro, and Silicon Drinkabout fulfil this need and I'd happily support something similar here.

    However, a lot of entrepreneurs aren't that interested in chatting to other start-ups - there seems to be an attitude of thinking that other people will steal there ideas (and that may happen occasionally). But if you go to London or Silicon Valley ever you'll see most founders are pretty happy to have *anyone* to pitch to including other founders and it's normally a pretty good way to refine the pitch!

    I very much enjoy those events when I'm off-island.

    Other issue - I'm not sure there's really enough supply of founders in Jersey to make it a regular thing?



    Russell Newton
    GABI Ventures

  • 20 Oct 2021
  • No


    Much of Jersey's business community has a tenuous understanding of entrepreneurship - there are no events I can think of aimed directly at such an audience, but there are those aimed at Business & Small Business & Business Leaders, etc - which cross over (e.g. Greenhouse, various IoD events, et al).

    It may be that there are smaller, private groups up and running, rather than any official Government or ALO backed initiatives.


  • 18 Oct 2021
  • No


    So far as I am aware there are no events where entrepreneurs are specifically invited or prioritized on Jersey. I think some events would be useful, particularly as entrepreneurs tend to be time and money poor so don't have the resources that more established businesses have to allocate people to various events. 

    I will list on here from time to time events that I find that might be useful / that I am going to.

    If anyone else fancies setting up some such events (particularly making sure that the entire entrepreneur community gets invited, very happy to help). You can reach me at rachel.amos@senatesense.com










    Rachel Amos

    Rachel Amos